Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Glaring Inconstancies in Officiating

The man pictured above is Brendan Shanahan. A year ago he was appointed by the evil troll Gary Bettman to be the head disciplinarian of the league. Everyone rejoiced. We like Brendan Shanhan, media darling, lured us all into thinking he would do a good job. For the most part, he did.

That was until the first round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs rolled around. The first round of competition has been nothing short of an all around circus: every team,  every game. But yet, despite all the beat downs and the ridiculous scores - only one thing has taken center stage: the fact that the NHL has a serious problem when it comes to their officiating.

Here's one example. Game two of The New York Rangers v. The Ottawa Senators. Here's low life Matt Carkner pummeling a defenseless Brian Boyle on the ice. Carkner is a repeat offender. How many games does he get? ONE.

Here is Rangers rookie Carl Hagelin who accidentally clips Daniel Alfredsson trying to finish his check. There is no intent to injure on this play. Yes, it resulted in an awkward head shot --- but it was not intentional. An unfortunate accident. He doesn't even leave his feet. How many games does the rookie Carl Hagelin - who has never had a major or prior record in his career - get? THREE.

Now if that doesn't make any sense - there's more.
Here's Shea Weber of the Nashville Predators taking Henrik Zetterbergs (Detroit Redwings) head into his hands and SLAMMING it into the glass. Wow, what an INTENTIONAL ACT TO CAUSE HARM TO SOMEBODY - that must have been some suspension you may be thinking. Nope. Weber got off with a $2,500 fine.

So to recap so far, this is what the NHL is basically trying to tell us: A repeat offender who beats down on a vulnerable and UNWILLING opponent: 1 game, take somebodies head into your hands and smash it into class: $2,500, accidentally clip another players head in a botched check: 3 games.

Does that make sense to you? There is no rhyme or reason to the suspensions they hand out. I feel like they just pull suspensions out of a hat because at this point its the only logical explanation to these illogical calls.

Wait, there's more. Over in the land of the Pittsburgh Bettmans Penguins and The Philadelphia Flyers, this happened the other day. Keep in mind Carl Hagelin when you watch this next clip of the Penguins Arron Ashman cross checking Brayden Schenn IN THE THROAT.
Not only does he cross check Schenn to his throat, he hits him while he's down. And how many games did Ashman get? Four. That's one more than Carl Hagelins unfortunate fate. So more or less, the NHL is putting Carl Hagelin (who apologized to Alfreddson and showed extreme remorse for the botched check) and this d-bag in the same category. Does that make any sense to you? It doesn't to me.

And finally, here's a BRUTAL hit on Marian Hossa last night that sent him to the hospital in a stretcher. As if the NHL and Shannahan didn't look bad enough.
As of right now, Torres is suspended indefinitely and there is no update on Hossas health other than he left the hospital. Which is not good news, but it's not bad news.

Torres had this to say about the hit: "“It was a hockey play. I was just trying to finish my hit out there.” Too bad there is not one bit of truth in that. Trying to finish your hit aka leaving the ice, and charging .83 seconds AFTER hossa lost possession of the puck. .5 seconds is considered "late" on a hit like this. you're nearly at a minute, bro. How is that a hockey play? It's not. But maybe you can't blame Torres for his dirt bag play because he fears no repercussions from the league...

As a hockey fan, things like this are troubling to see. There is a huge difference between good, clean, physical play and players out to maim each other. And what's worse - a league that can't tell the difference between the two. They're punishing all the wrong people. Take Wash/Bos series. Nicklas Backstrom delivers a retaliatory check to Rich Peverely after he had enough of being viciously head hunted all game. He's suspended for one game - the rest of his aggressors? Nothing. Again, picking and choosing the wrong moments to lay the shannahammer down. 

The league that is failing on so many levels to get through to their players that - no, this is not okay. You cannot go out on the ice with zero respect for your opponent and cause them serious injury. It's a serious detriment to the sport and it makes everyone look bad. This is not why we watch hockey, we don't root for injuries.

Jonathan Toews, Captain of the Blackhawks had this to say on the matter in general, not just the hit on Hossa: ""In a situation like that with Weber, more than anything you should make an example of it, regardless of whether he's a star player," Toews said. "They have been trying to make an example of things like that so they don't happen again and all of a sudden you let one slide like that."

The league needs to get it's act together. What kind of serious injury are they waiting for before they decide to put their bias and their inconsistencies aside to realize this...