Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Advice Annex

   “The Advice Annex” was created and hosted by Justine or as she's known on YouTube: JPmetz. Justine first started out on YouTube creating "failtorials" which were comedic takes on makeup tutorials. They were the farthest thing from a make-up tutorial there could be and featured Justine complaining about the topic of her choosing for the entire video. Her level-headedness, honesty and strong opinions caused her viewers or minions as she calls them, to seed her out for advice. This prompted her to sart The Advice as a way to respond to these requests. Listeners can ask Justine questions through her phone line, email, Facebook or Tumblr. Every week she selects 4-5 topics to advise about, from friends, family, life and work.
I don’t listen to every single episode of the Advice Annex, I’ll be honest, but I keep up with it frequently. I like that Justine breaks down the questions she’ll be talking about so I know if the Podcast is appealing to me and if I’ll be skipping around here and there. I like listening to her give advice because I feel like if I knew her in real life, we would be friends. I find myself agreeing with her about a lot of things and I think she genuinely gives good advice -- - she has a very real approach to the problems she discusses on her Podcast. I can also relate to a lot of the situations she talks about because the majority of her viewership and listeners are around my age group and have similar problems or are in similar situations that I sometimes find myself in. Sometimes I learn a thing or two about how to handle or approach various situations because Justine offers a viewpoint or an opinion that I may not have thought of before, which in turn may help me out if I or somebody I know is in a similar situation.
I also like that Justine’s podcasts are interactive in that people can leave comments on each podcast and discuss their opinions and experiences. I also greatly admire Justine because she takes time out to really consider these people’s problems. Even though as listeners we don’t know Justine on a personal level, we feel like we do. And sometimes it’s easier to talk about your problems to people who don’t know you in real life. I think she has done a fantastic job of bringing together a community of people who are looking to help one another out.

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