Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Because These Commercials Suck.

This year the NHL changed up their promos for the Stanley Cup playoffs away from "History will be made..." to "Because it's the Cup." In theory, these commercials should work. The cinematography is beautiful. The music is good. So what, you may be asking, is the problem with these commercials? The narration completely SUCKS. These commercials sound like they're being narrated by a complete DWEEB. They needed to find somebody with an EPIC voice. Case and point, the Rangers "Because its the Cup" commercial. Awesome commercial when you block out the annoying narrators voice.

What they really needed was the guy who narrated 24/7 to do these commercials. Case and point:

Had these commercials had the same or a similar voice-over, they'd be epic. 

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