Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Great Commercials Will be Made...

Two seasons ago, as the Stanley Cup Playoffs approached, the NHL launched a new series of commercials designed to entice new viewers into watching the playoffs and the Stanley Cup Finals. In addition to this, they also appealed to the emotions of their current fan base. This emotional appeal would than garner a response of over two thousand fan made videos being plastered up all over YouTube. If you can increase your viewer ship and inspire your fanbase – well, you have to be doing something right? That's right, much to ESPN's dismay, a recent poll now shows that hockey is just as popular as basketball in the United States. Can the success of these commercials be attributed to that? Possibly, maybe, probably.

The reason why I love these commercials and why I think they are so successful is because they’re very simple in nature. There’s nothing flashy about them, they’re just bits and pieces of history of the sport that tug at your heart strings even if it’s not your team being featured. They’re very understated and not overly glamorized, which is a nice change from other advertisements within sports marketing and outside of it as well.

These commercials work so well because they show the true grit of the sport, the emotion, the great moments, the great players and they really showcase why hockey is the greatest sport. The NHL has essentially let the sport market itself in these commercials. It's really a no-brainer.The commercials put you right into the center of some of the greatest moments in the history of the sport as well as up close and personal with some of the greatest players, current and from the past.

The first installment of these commercials was focused solely on the slogan “History Will Be Made” and last season they incorporated various other slogans and words into the commercials like “History…makes a mess” while showing the Rangers 94 cup tickertape parade, among various other celebrations.

Another example of why these commercials work is this one featuring Mark Messier lifting the cup in '94. Even if you didn’t so much care about hockey or the Rangers, just seeing the words “What if Messier didn’t lift an entire city?” and the sheer look of joy and exhilaration on his face is enough to give you chills. And that’s why it works, because it tugs so heavily at your emotions without even trying – the commercial speaks for itself. These commercials do not insult the viewers intelligence, they do not manipulate the viewers emotions - they don't have to.

This one featuring Bobby Orr is another great one from the campaign because the technique they use when they reverse the film works especially well when paired with the question: What if Bobby didn’t fly?

These advertisements have also opened the door for fans to make their own renditions of the commercials and post them on YouTube. Some equally inspiring, some...hilarious.

This years commercials have not yet been released, as it is still a little too early in the season. I'm anxiously  waiting to see what the newest installment of these commercials will look like. Over all, these are just amazing advertisements. I have not seen anything done this well in any other facet of professional sports. Whoever thought these up at the NHL should have their name engraved on the Stanley Cup - they’re just that amazing.

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